Saturday, December 18, 2010

The very being of all that is human and a panic induced haze.

Flyer by: The great and mysterious Catfish

Read this awesome "preview" for tomorrow's show by the incredible Joseph Hess.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

CB, VV, LHP, OP 4 Way Split

Caitlyn Bailey, Viseversa, Lizards Have Personalities, Orion Pax split. So we're tracking drums tomorrow and then tracking bass, guitars, and vocals on thursday. Should have our songs mixed and ready by the end of next week. All the other bands are done so they're just waiting on us. It's alright though because we hopped on on the very last minute so I hope they understand. Pick this up from us or any of the other bands when it comes out. It's going to be a doozy.

Deal with it.

So I made a blogspot because Myspace sucks and Bandcamp is purely for music so I can't post shows or updates. This is where I will be posting all news related to the band and well whatever the hell else I want.